Know your
Frequently Asked Questions

How can a guest regulate the temperature in hotel rooms?
All guest rooms have a thermostat, which enables them to set the desired temperature in their rooms.
2. Is the water in the pool is filtered?
3. Do we use chlorine in our swimming pool? If not, what do we do?
No, we do not use chlorine. We treat our pools by T.C.C.A – 90 chemicals (Trichloroiso cynuaric Acid).
This chemical lasts longer and does not react with skin and eyes.
4. How many elevators are there in the hotel?
We have 3 Guest elevators, 2 service elevators, 1 receiving elevator and 1 guest elevator which operates from Lower Lobby to Lobby level
5. Which all lights/ sockets/ electrical points are not connected to the master switch?
DVD Player
Air conditioning
Light above trap door
Fax table
The above equipments are operating all the time. The remaining lights and power is controlled by the Master switch, with is located near the entrance of the room.
6. What is the steam boiler?
Steam boilers are used to generate steam. We have two steam boilers of IAEC make. The steam boilers supply high pressure steam to our laundry (9 kg/cm2) and low pressure steam for our kitchen (2 kg/cm2). We use PNG as a fuel to run the boilers.
7. What is the source of water to our hotel?
Two sources - New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) and Bore wells.
8. Is the tap water potable?
Yes. The water from the NDMC and Borewells is stored in the large water tanks. From the water tanks the water enters in to sand filters for filtering. After filtering required chemicals are added and sent to the taps by Hydro pneumatic system with 6 kg/ sq. cm pressures.
9. What is the electrical voltage used for our underwater lights?
12 volts. The low 12 voltage system provides life safety for everyone. The 12 voltage system does not give any electrical shock to the human body.
10. What human safety system is provided in our electrical system?
Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB). In case of any electrical leakage in the room, the safety ELCB will trip the main power supply to the room. This will prevent the electrical shock.
11. Which fuel is used to run DG set?
It is HSD, High speed diesel.
12. Where does the electrical power supply come from?
We purchase electrical power from NDMC. We get high voltage supply (11 kilovolts) and reduce it to operating voltage of 440 volts in 3 phase and 220 volts in single phase supply by two transformers. It is passed through voltage stabilizers and fed to the rooms without any voltage fluctuation.
13. Which safety equipment is available in all the rooms to detect fire?
Smoke detectors are present in every room.
14. What fire safety measures are taken in the hotel?
Fire Hydrants: These are the pressurized water lines with valves, which are provided at various points in the property. A flexible hosepipe has been placed next to the valves. In case of fire we need to fix the hosepipe and open the valve to extinguish the fire.
Water Sprinklers: Sprinklers are fitted in the pressurized water line. It consists of a glass cartridge, which bursts at a certain temperature, splashes the water in the entire area.
Smoke detectors: Smoke detectors are present in every room and raise an alarm in the pre-determined places in case they sense smoke in any area.
Fire extinguishers: The portable fire extinguishers are placed across the hotel in designated areas. These are classified and certified for use in various classes of fire i.e. Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E.
Fire Buckets: Fire buckets will be used for Class A type of fire.
Fire Blankets: Fire Blankets are mainly to protect the human beings and for extinguishing Class A and C types of fires.
15. What does the hotel do with the waste water?
The waste water is treated in a Sewage Treatment Plant and used for irrigation and cooling towers. AT times excess treated water is given to the Golf course and NDMC for public gardens.
16. What is the temperature of the pool?
Temperature of both the pools, indoor and outdoor, is maintained between 28 - 30 Deg C throughout the year.
17. What environment friendly procedures do we follow in the hotel?
Solar Power Generation to light up Taipan back areas.
Wet garbage from the hotel is treated in Organic waste Convertor and reused as manure.
Entire waste water from the hotel is treated in sewage treatment plant and reused in horticulture and cooling towers.
Heating of the domestic hot water is done through a waste heat recovery system using the waste heat from laundry condensate.
Boilers are run on PNG which is a “clean” fuel.
Condensate recovery system allows use of the condensate water from laundry and kitchens to be reused in boilers.
Heating of pools is done through energy saving “Heat Pumps”.
Centrifugal chillers are used which consume less energy.
Noise insulation of the walls of the DG room allows minimal noise to travel outside the room.
Drip irrigation method is used to minimise the water consumption in horticulture.
Garbage segregation at source.
E-waste from the hotel is disposed of through an authorised vendor.
General waste from the hotel is disposed through an authorised waste receiver.
In phases, CFL lights are being replaced with LED lights.
Occupancy sensors are in place in back of the house areas to conserve electricity.
Intelligent use of materials and supplies.
Garbage separation.
Proper use of chemicals.
Recycling of wastewater from laundry and Kitchen and cafeteria,
Energy conservation at all times.
Recycle office papers.
The hotel is also ISO 14001:2004 certified. It applies to those environmental aspects that the organization identifies as those which it can control and those which it can influence.
Incandescent bulbs have been replaced with CFL'ʹs.
Water flow sensors have been installed in Executive Gents and Ladies locker.
All the building façade lights are on timer to avoid any wastage of electricity.